LiST Online training series with WHO, UNICEF and UNFPA

Figure 2 - LiST Online entry points.PNG

In March 2021, the LiST team held a three week workshop virtual workshop series for regional and country teams of UNFPA, WHO and UNICEF. This included a review of the theory of LiST in English, French, and Spanish during the first week. The second week focused on getting practice with the tool by carrying out practical exercises using LiST Online. The third and final week looked at different ways that LiST has been used to model the indirect effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. This was the first formal training using the new LiST Online platform at such a large scale (150+ participants), and it gave us an opportunity to explore possibilities for remote trainings - which became particularly helpful given travel restrictions currently in place.

The recording from the first week’s training are available below in their respective languages:

LiST Training Recording – English

LiST Training Recording – Español

LiST Training Recording - Français